
Sunday 5 May 2019

Marine Reserve: Action Project

During our trip to Goat Island there were many differences I noticed
between my local marine area and goat island. Point England waters
were filled with rubbish including its own surrounding areas. The water
wasn’t so clear for our eyes to see through and not many living organisms
decided to make point England there home. Where as for goat island, there
were many snappers, kina’s and the water was as clean as the paint work
on a Mercedes Benz. Comparing these two marine areas together, point
England needs serious help. Imagine all the living creatures living in point
England that have died from our cause, pollution. We litter our rubbish
anywhere thinking it would do no harm to the environment. But look where’s
that’s gotten us. I’m not saying that everybody litters but I’m also not saying
that I don’t litter myself. We need to change for the better of our environment
and not just for point England. All over the world. If us humans want to live a
happy life, then caring for the environment and the sea is a start towards it.
Click the link here to see what difference we could do ProtectOurLocalMarineArea


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