
Thursday 2 March 2017

Omaru creek

Kuraia 02/03/2016

Today , we have been given an article about a guy name Tamati ,who tells a story about how the creek used to look like and what he used to do in the creek here.

So here are some questions given to me about the creek .

  1. What was the stream like,when tamati was a kid?
There was fresh water with sea creatures living in them and it wasn’t polluted like how it is now.

2. What is the river like now ?
It is polluted with not that much creatures in it and there are so many rubbish inside the water.

3. Why is it bad ,that the river has changed?
Because ,some people like me want a safe habitat for the creatures inside the river.

4. Why is the river important?
Because it’s a habitat for the eels,cat fishes,crabs and fishes.


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